Watch a video or play a game to learn about Isambard Kingdom Brunel

A good website to investigate Isambard Kingdom Brunel

How do you build a rocket?

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Follow these steps to make a rocket for a space tourist.

Why did Brunel build bridges and tunnels?

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To make his Great Western Railway flat and straight Brunel built bridges and tunnels when he came to a river or a hill.  In 2A we built his Great Western Railway in our classroom!

2A Plant Walk Thursday 24th May – please bring wellies or alternative

Dear Parents

2A are planning a plant walk around the school grounds on Thursday afternoon.  Although the recent weather has been dry there will probably still be some boggy areas.  Please could children bring wellies or a change of shoes on this day.

Wet and windy at Harlow Carr!

We had a wonderful time (in spite of the weather) finding out about how plants grow.

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2A had a great time working in teams to learn about symmetry.


Clcik here to enter the eggs database.Image

Practise choosing coins to pay when you go shopping!

Remember to choose the right level.Image

Our trip to York

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We had a great day in York. We found out how people in the past made their floors red, what it would be like to have dinner with the Lord and played games Medieval children would have played at Barley Hall.
We uncovered Victorian, Tudor, Viking and Roman artefacts when we dug at Dig! and delved into “poo” to find out what people ate.

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